
News and what's new

The Chapel is open at the times below for the worship of God,

prayer and the preaching of the Word of God. 

Sundays at 10.30am & 6.00pm

Wednesdays at 7pm

Services Sunday 28th July 2024

We are expecting Nick Shires to preach at

the 10.30am Teaching Service

and Rob James at the 6pm Gospel Service

To listen to the most recent messages

click on the link below

Bible verses of the week

The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness,

and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

Matthew 13 verses 41 to 43