Real Repentance [Mk 10 v 17 - 22] - Nigel Birt
Eternal Regrets [Luke 16 v 19 - 31] - Nick Shires
Small Beginnings Great Results [Matt 13 v 31 - 33] - Daes Yang
(Note there is a delay of 25 secs before the message starts)
Discovering your soul [2 Corinth 4 v 6] - Tim Wells
Hiding Sin [Psalm 66 v 18] - Rob James
The marks of true conversion [Isaiah 6 v 1 - 8] - Nigel Birt
Seeking the soul's rest [Ps 120 & Heb 4] - Roger Pomeroy
(Note the first minute of this recording is missing)
What is your yoke? [Matt 11 v 29] - Nick Shires
An Anchor of the Soul [Heb 6 v 19] - Nick Shires